Welcome to Sydney Community College Ltd’s (SCC) Registered Training Organisation (RTO 90054). This information is compiled to assist those wishing to join the team at SCC as trainers and/or assessors, including any engaged under SCC’s Third Party Service Provider arrangements.
All trainers and assessors engaged by SCC must comply with all laws and professional standards applicable to their engagement – including laws in relation to health and safety – and adopted through SCC policies, procedures and rules, varied or replaced by SCC from time to time. This includes but is not limited to compliance with the:
- Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) effective from 1 January 2015;
- the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011; and
- Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015
All trainers and assessors are required to continually evaluate the effectiveness of their training and assessment methods. SCC also undertakes in-class assessment of its professionals at minimum of annually to support quality assurance and professional development. For other relevant policies and procedures see:
Assessor Guidelines
Designing a Learning Program
RTO Policies
College Policies
Quality Assurance System
Last reviewed August 2019
Assessment moderation and feedback
In accordance with the SCCs policy, all trainers and assessors will be required to undertake moderation of at least 10% of their assessment decisions (i.e. marked student assessments) throughout the duration of their contract. In moderating assessment judgements, validators will consider whether the learners assessment evidence:
- Complies with the assessment requirements of the relevant training product;
- Demonstrates that the assessment was conducted with fairness, flexibility, validity and reliability;
- Is valid, sufficient, authentic and current; AND,
- Judgments made by different assessors are consistent.
Scheduled moderation and outcomes of moderation sessions will be discussed and agreed to in advance. Feedback on outcomes and identified improvements from moderation will be used to improve SCCs training and assessment strategies, learning and assessment material, development of the SCC trainers/assessors and the overall approach to training planning and delivery. Relevant stakeholders may also be involved where industry consultation is a prerequisite to programme delivery, in particular in regard to government funded programmes. Moderation activity and outcomes will be recorded on a Moderation of Assessment Judgements Form to which the trainer/assessor will have access.
Assessment validation
Validation occurs in alignment with SCCs 5 year plan and in accordance with its Policy and Procedures for Validation and Moderation 2015-2020 a copy of which can be provided on request.
Last reviewed July 2018
SCC is committed to protecting its confidential information and intellectual property. Confidential Information means any information, however communicated or recorded, relating to the activities of SCC to which a person gains access in the course of, or in connection with, their engagement . This includes any information related to finances, business affairs, strategies, plans or initiatives and any sensitive or commercially valuable information including information relating to students or staff or contractors to SCC. To ensure protection of these interests, staff/contractors must agree to keep confidential all information provided to them in the performance of their duties other than that which they may be required to disclose by law or with the approval of SCC.
Last reviewed August 2018
Engagement and induction process
A nominated SCC Programme Coordinator is responsible for engagement processes and procedures. (See also Staff/contractor recruitment and professional development). The SCC operates under the provision of the Education Services (Post-Secondary Education) Award 2010. The Programme Coordinator is also responsible for the pre-employment and first day induction of new staff/contractors.
Last reviewed August 2019
SCC believes that seeking feedback on the success of its teaching staff and the quality of each students experience is an important component of SCCs quality assurance system. By accepting an offer of engagement, trainers and assessors must agree to participate in SCCs evaluation process which involves, but is not limited to, evaluation of student work, student feedback, student complaints and feedback from other SCC staff.
Last reviewed August 2018
Intellectual property
Intellectual property means the registered and unregistered right in relation to present and future copyright, trade marks, designs, know-how, patents, confidential information and all other intellectual property as defined. Unless otherwise mutually agreed and reflected in the Schedule/s contained in SCCs contract of engagement, each party grants to the other a non-exclusive licence to freely use all materials developed by it under the contract or otherwise in connection with the delivery of the course through SCC. Where nothing is specified in the Schedule/s contained in SCCs contract of engagement, the intellectual property in all teaching and course material related to the contracted services are to be used exclusively for, and in the delivery of, the provision of services under this contract and are, as such, the property of SCC.
Last reviewed August 2019
Pre-engagement probity screening
In the event that the role offered by SCC is subject to a regulated pre-engagement clearance by the College (such as a working with children check and/or Criminal Name Index check) individuals must gain at their own cost the required clearance and cannot commence duty without the authorisation of the College and subject to clearance by the authorities.
Last reviewed August 2019
Information provided by individuals to SCC is protected by the college’s Privacy Policy. SCC adheres to the thirteen Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) issued by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC). Commercial use of any personal information provided to a person (or their delegate/s) contracted for their training and assessment services is not permitted.
Last reviewed August 2019
New training and assessing staff are recruited through advertising in the various outlets and/or through other sources available to the College, such as recommendations and referrals.
Trainers and Assessors must meet the qualification requirements of the Standards for RTOs 2015. As such, SCC trainers and assessors must hold the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment TAE40116 or a diploma or higher level qualification in adult education. In addition, SCC trainers and assessors must:
- have demonstrated vocational competencies – at least to the level being delivered and assessed – and current industry skills directly relevant to the training and assessment for which they are being engaged to provide;
- have demonstrated current knowledge and skills in vocational training and learning that informs their training and assessment practice; and,
- undertake professional development in knowledge and practice of vocational training and learning and assessment, including competency-based training and assessment.
(Note: though SCC does not currently deliver products from the Training and Assessment Training Package, should it do so, trainers and assessors will be required to hold additional qualifications).
All applicants must supply a resume or CV and original copies of relevant qualifications.
The RTO Manager and/or programme coordinator will review all applicants for suitability and appropriateness. Interviews are held to assess the person on performance, behavioural and compliance competencies as well as being questioned about previous experience required knowledge for the role. Candidates who are successful will have at least two of their references checked to attain a better insight into the applicant’s suitability.
Trainers and assessors will be required generally to supply evidence of industry experience that is no older than two years. Supporting documents to verify industry evidence can be in the form of a signed reference letter specifying the person, engagement period and duties. The signatory must be able to be contactable by the College.
Those engaged must complete the College’s staff matrix titled ‘Verification of Competence and Currency’ and kept on the College server. A College contract of engagement is also issued containing the terms of the engagement, the service provision under the contract and compliance requirements in regard to the particular delivery.
Where engagement involves an individual (not a company, incorporated association or partnership) the College ensures that all staff/contractors engaged on a sessional basis are employed consistent with the lawful requirements of the College in regard to superannuation guarantee payments, income tax collection and all insurance obligations due to the person.
Information is provided to the person engaged which includes the College’s validation and moderation policy and procedures, WHS information relevant to the site where the person will be working, an SCC staff contact list and any quality assurance and confidentiality obligations (including record keeping) not contained in the engagement contract. Links are also given to the College website where policies related to accredited training are accessible and kept up to date, along with policies related to the College operations generally which are also kept up to date.
Professional development
Staff/contractors are expected to engage in at least two professional development activities annually for the purpose of developing and enhancing the trainer/assessor’s industry skills and currency. These may or may not be held by the College. The College expects staff/contractors to update their resumes and staff matrix at least annually to reflect their participation in industry and educational professional development activities.
As the holder of a NSW Government ACE CSO Contract, SCC’s Recruitment and Professional Development Policy is also informed by the NSW Government’s Training Services Teaching and Leadership policy and the NSW Government’s Quality Framework. We work with Governments at all levels to ensure principles that promote excellence, transparency and innovation in vocational education and training. As such, SCC trainers and assessors should undertake continued professional development in teaching and leadership – to include learning theory, design, facilitation and evaluation – and assessment practice – to include assessment theories, products, processes and validation.
(Note: under the NSW Government’s Teaching and Leadership policy identified SCC management, administrative and programme staff – and, where relevant, members of the SCC Board – must undertake continued professional development in areas such as compliance and contract management and must demonstrate consultation with industry and other stakeholders when designing a VET programme of learning).
Last reviewed August 2019
Residence and visa requirements
Engagement by SCC is conditional upon a person being able to lawfully work in Australia and in the supply of documentary evidence to the SCC to ensure a persons work rights have been demonstrated.
Last reviewed August 2019
Conclusion of engagement
Either party may withdraw from a contract of engagement at any time by giving written notice of 14 days. SCC reserves the right to terminate engagement in the event that false and/or misleading information has been supplied prior to engagement with SCC.
Last reviewed December 2018
Work Health and Safety (WHS) and emergency evacuation duties
All trainers and assessors engaged by SCC are required to ensure that the Colleges health and safety management processes are carried out to ensure a healthy and safe working and learning environment for SCC staff, students and others. See WHS Policies.
This includes trainers/assessors taking responsibility for students in the event of an emergency evacuation from class and reporting any injuries or incidents which come to your attention within 24 hours of them occurring.
This page last reviewed and updated August 2019